Compel Youth

Compel Youth

At Compel Youth, we welcome and love every student, from 6th to 12th grade. Our mission is to help them ENCOUNTER the life-changing power of God’s presence, EXALT His name in all things, and be EMPOWERED by His Spirit to live out their calling. Through this, students are EQUIPPED to do good works that not only impact their own lives but also build meaningful relationships with God’s people and align them with the purpose God has uniquely designed for them.

We believe that as students grow with us, they will be transformed and graduate from Compel Youth with a greater sense of confidence, clarity, and identity, ready to step into the next phase of their lives with boldness and purpose.

Welcome to the family

Choose your campus below, and get connected👇

Spring Calendar



5 –  NO Middle School + High School Groups


12 – Middle School + High School Groups

19 – Middle School + High School Groups

26 – No Middle School + High School Groups// Parent Night


2 – Middle School + High School Groups

9- Middle School + High School Groups


16 – Middle School + High School Groups

23 – Middle School + High School Groups



2- No Middle School or High School Groups // Spring Social

9 – Middle School + High School Groups


16 – Middle School + High School Groups

23 – No Middle School + High School Groups // HS Retreat + Stories Night

30 – – Middle School + High School Groups


6 – Middle School + High School Groups


13 – – Middle School + High School Groups

20 – No Middle School + High School Groups (Easter)

27 – Middle School + High School Groups

Compel Youth

Middle School Youth Groups are our weekly gatherings where we dive deeper into our once a month message. We break it down over the course of 3-4 weeks leading up to the next Youth Night. Through food, family, and fun, we connect with God’s presence and God’s people.

Southaven – 11:00AM @ Southaven Campus
Olive Branch – 11:00AM @ Olive Branch Campus
Hernando – 11:00AM @ Hernando Campus

Compel Youth

High School Groups are our weekly gatherings for High School students where we dive deeper into our once a month message. We break it down, off campus over the course of 3-4 weeks leading up to the next Youth Night. Through food, family, and fun, we connect with God’s presence and God’s people.

Southaven – Sunday Nights at 6:30PM @ Southaven Campus
Olive Branch –  Sunday Nights at 6:30PM @ Olive Branch Campus
Horn Lake – Sunday Nights at 6:30PM @ DeSoto County Dream Center
Hernando – Sunday Nights at 6:30PM @ Hernando Campus




We believe that every student was created with a God-given purpose to serve others.


Connect Groups

A major element of being a part of Connect Groups is regular opportunities to reach out to our community by meeting a felt need. Groups are active based on semesters.

Find a Group

Interested in Serving?

Take your next step to lead the Next Generation and get involved with Compel Youth here!

Join Here!

Dream Center

Jesus gave us a biblical responsibility to use what we have to serve those that are poor, broken, and weak in hopes that one day they would be able to do the same. Find out how you can start to do that here.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Youth Night?

    Youth Night is our once-a-month service that is inclusive to all 6th-12th grade young people from every Compel Church campus and the communities that surround them. This service takes place the second Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8:15 at the Southaven Campus. Students can expect to have a great time, experiencing God’s presence through worship and a message prepared just for their phase of life, and find practical next steps in their relationship with God.

  • How can I stay informed about upcoming events?

    We communicate through our E News and social media platforms for all details about Compel Youth!

  • What should my student expect on their first visit to Compel Youth?

    Your student can expect to be welcomed by our Compel Youth Team. Whether it’s on Youth Night or Groups, they will be introduced to who we are and meet new students!

  • How are Compel Youth Leaders and volunteers selected?

    All youth leaders and volunteers are carefully selected based on their experience, background, and commitment to mentoring your student. They undergo background checks and receive training to ensure they provide a safe and supportive environment.

  • How does Compel Youth support students in their spiritual growth?

    We provide a range of resources, mentorship, and prayer support, to help your student deepen their faith. Our goal is to create opportunities for personal reflection and growth in a supportive and encouraging environment.