Follow Jesus Daily
This year, we’re studying the Bible TOGETHER. Join us this year by picking a plan below. You can follow along by downloading the Youversion Bible App or download the PDF and print it at home. We believe that part of being a passionate follower of Jesus is learning what He has said and obeying it. As we make Bible reading a daily part of our lives, God speaks to us and transforms us to become more like Jesus.

Bible in a Year
This is a daily Bible reading plan designed by BibleProject to inspire and equip you to read through the entire Bible in one year. This plan incorporates over 150 animated videos to engage you in the Bible’s brilliant literary design and flow of thought.
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New Testament
in a Year
This Plan will lead you through the New Testament in one year. Each book includes videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with Scripture.
Click Here Click for PDFGet Started Here:
This is a study method to help you get more out of your time in God’s Word. Through SOAP, you will learn more about who God is, His love for you, and His heart for the world. By reading the Bible daily, you will discover next steps, keep on the right path, and be inspired as you follow Jesus.
Write down the verse that spoke to you most in the passage you read.
Write down what you observed from that verse – Keep observations simple and clear, even obvious.
Write whatever you feel God is telling you through the verse. This is kind of like God saying to you, “Here is what I want you to apply to your life.”
Spend time talking with God as you would a friend over the phone or over coffee.
Read: Colossians 1:24-29 NIV
29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.
Paul is writing to correct and encourage the church and his stand resulted in him being in prison. But his focus is on making Jesus known and not relying on his own strength and energy.
At the end of an exhausting week, it makes me wonder what it looks like to struggle with Jesus’s energy working in me. I think a big part is being consistently in the Word and praying without ceasing. Part of it also has to be focusing on what’s true — my identity and the identity of those around me. There are times when I know that the Spirit has given the strength and energy I need, but relying on the power of Jesus every day is something I want to experience more.
Jesus, please forgive the many times when I revert to living in my own strength and energy. Please teach me to submit to you, stay connected to you, and rely on you more. You are all in all, and I need you to increase and for me to decrease. Amen