Message | Patrick Conrad | August 1st, 2025

Summer at the Movies 2021:
The War with Grandpa

We inherently know there are vast differences among generations. One of the most obvious generational gaps we currently observe is the crisis of understanding truth, equity and justice in our world. The younger generation is full of passion and desire to change things for the better. The older generation understands that life is not fair; that inequality and injustice happen because of the brokenness of sin. While there are no easy solutions to bridging this gap, the ultimate solution is found in acknowledging there is absolute truth defined by God. This truth is constant and unchanging; a perfect standard by which right and wrong are defined for all people, at all times and in all places. Only then can we begin to see the world through God’s eyes, decide which causes are worthy of taking up, and work together to make the world a better place.

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