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Led By: Chris Fowler + Matthew Wilson
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Men, please come join us as we meet on the third Saturday morning of each month to have breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and an encouraging word! It’s a great way to connect and grow in Christ together! We will meet at the Desoto County Dream Center at 7:30am
Led By: Nate Smith
Meets: Saturday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Pokemon Go social group with the intent on exploring Desoto County while making friends and experiences together! We will be colored different parks and areas across DeSoto County!
Led By: Nate Smith
Meets: Saturday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Pokemon Go social group with the intent on exploring Desoto County while making friends and experiences together! We will be colored different parks and areas across DeSoto County!
Led By: Nate Smith
Meets: Saturday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Pokemon Go social group with the intent on exploring Desoto County while making friends and experiences together! We will be colored different parks and areas across DeSoto County!
Led By: Lauren Park
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Young Moms monthly meet up to connect, socialize, encourage, provide support, and fellowship! Kiddos are welcome to tag along as well.
Led By: Lauren Park
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Young Moms monthly meet up to connect, socialize, encourage, provide support, and fellowship! Kiddos are welcome to tag along as well.
Led By: Courtney & Brandon Hall
Meets: Wednesday Evening
Childcare: Yes
This group is for anyone who is interested in fellowship and physical activity. Any level of runner is welcome! We meet at Silo Square on Wednesday evenings at 6:45. Locations may change based upon members’ preferences.
Led By: Connie Golden
Meets: Wednesday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Who: Ladies any age When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 11:30 am. Where: Various Restaurants As we break bread together, let’s reflect on the words of Jesus: “Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26). Let’s discover how we can serve those around us, in our homes, workplaces, and communities, and find joy in being vessels of His love.
Led By: Emily Smith
Meets: Wednesday Evening
Childcare: No
Once a book club using Karen Kingsbury’s book, “Redemption”. During our time together we will discuss the book in depth, learning how to apply the truths Kingsbury has embedded in her work of fiction. We will meet at Coffee Central on 2nd and 5th Wednesdays at 5:00-6:00 pm. I am excited about this new thing the Lord is doing! Come Read Share Fellowship Pray I can’t wait to meet you guys and see what God does!
Led By: Sarah Cross
Meets: Wednesday Evening
Childcare: Yes
This one is for my creative ladies. We will meet at my house in Southaven on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm to create art and socialize! I will help walk you through steps of a painting in a low stakes environment while we hopefully create community and art. So grab your canvas and lets splash some color on life. Childcare is provided at Compel campuses.
Led By: Karisa Sons, Virginia Gonzalez, Bailey Bishop, Anna Claire Brechin & Ashton Freeman
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Who: All Women of Compel What: A time for the women of Compel Church to commune in fellowship, discussion and prayer over a potluck style breakfast. When: 2nd Saturday of each month at 9am Where: Southaven Campus Cafe’
Led By: Jessica Chon
Meets: Thursday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Come chat with us while our kiddos play! We will meet at the Snowden playground every other Thursday at 1pm.
Led By: Gina Gill & Rosanne Thomas
Meets: Wednesday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Who: Senior Ladies 60+ What: Senior Ladies meeting for lunch twice a month for prayer, fellowship, food, & fun! When: typically Wednesday Where: Location to be determined
Led By: Darlen Dickson & Ashley Hendricks
Meets: Wednesday Evening
Childcare: No
Who: Women of any age & stage of life What: Fellowship time with potluck style snacks/drinks. Group talks of various topics chosen by leader and members. Casual and very laid back schedule and setting. A time to just enjoy one another and get stay connected to Jesus. When: Wednesday nights, childcare provided at SH campus Where: Oak Hollow Apts Clubhouse, 1.8 mile distance from SH Compel Campus.
Led By: Gina Gill & Rosanne Thomas
Meets: Wednesday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Who: Senior Ladies 60+ What: Senior Ladies meeting for lunch twice a month for prayer, fellowship, food, & fun! When: typically Wednesday Where: Location to be determined
Led By: Carla Tackett
Meets: Wednesday Evening
Childcare: Yes
Who: Women What: Dinner group When: Wednesday nights 6:30 – 8:00 Where: Various restaurants in Olive Branch
Led By: Jason Banks
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Men’s social group meeting once a month at local courses around Olive Branch to play golf together.
Led By: David & Ashley Chamberlain, Andrew & Triana White
Meets: Friday Evening
Childcare: Yes
Bring your family, and join us for fellowship! This will be a laid back way to get know your church family. We will be meeting at the Olive Branch Campus on the 3rd Friday evening of each month.
Led By: Jillian Rash, Barbara Morris, Lynn Barker
Meets: Friday Evening
Childcare: No
Card players Spades enthusiasts or beginners, we have fun The first Friday of every month except July. Olive Branch Campus cafe area
Led By: George Crum & Carl Williams
Meets: Friday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Man Meals is a social lunch group for men. We will meet every other Friday at 11:30am at a restaurant in Olive Branch.
Led By: Rob Roy & David Culver
Meets: Monday Evening
Childcare: No
Men’s group 18 to 80 plus! We meet every other Monday at 6:30 pm in the gathering space OB campus. Food is provided and guests are welcome. It is not a study so you don’t have to freak out about coming to them all if you can’t make it. Starts Feb 10th, come check us out!
Led By: Nate Smith
Meets: Saturday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Pokemon Go social group with the intent on exploring Desoto County while making friends and experiences together! We will be colored different parks and areas across DeSoto County!
Led By: Robert and Karnesha Warren
Meets: Wednesday Evening
Childcare: No
We are doing a Social Group on Wednesdays for ages 28-40! On these days we will be building communities centered around Jesus, food, and fellowship! Located at the Warren household!
Led By: Jason Wood & Jason Banks
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
This men’s breakfast group is a sociable gathering where men come together to enjoy a morning meal, share conversation, and build connections. It provides a relaxed and supportive environment for members to engage in discussions, share experiences, and foster meaningful friendships.
Led By: Gina Gill & Roseanne Thomas
Meets: Wednesday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Who: Senior Ladies 60+ What: Senior Ladies meeting for lunch twice a month for prayer, fellowship, food, & fun! When: typically Wednesday Where: Location to be determined
Led By: Ginger Cruz
Meets: Saturday Evening
Childcare: No
Ladies Only ages 18-80 We will have dinner once a month together at different venues in the area tbd. Plot twist. Each dinner will have a fashion theme tbd. We usually meet on Saturday evenings around 5:30
Led By: Chris Fowler & Matthew Wilson
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Men, please come join us as we meet on the third Saturday morning of each month to have breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and an encouraging word! It’s a great way to connect and grow in Christ together! We will meet at the Desoto County Dream Center at 7:30am
Led By: Gina Gill & Roseanne Thomas
Meets: Wednesday Afternoon
Childcare: No
Who: Senior Ladies 60+ What: Senior Ladies meeting for lunch twice a month for prayer, fellowship, food, &; fun! When: typically Wednesday Where: Location to be determined
Led By: Steve & Marian Stofsick
Meets: Friday Evening
Childcare: No
Age 50+ couples and or singles who want to gather around food and enjoy one another’s company. We try to meet once a month and take turns hosting a potluck dinner. We meet either Friday or Saturday depending on the host’s preferences.
Led By: Ryan & Darlene Duren
Meets: Friday Evening
Childcare: Yes
Join us once a month for some fun games that the whole family can enjoy! We’ll meet on a Friday evening for a couple hours at the Hernando campus.
Led By: Lauren Park
Meets: Saturday Morning
Childcare: No
Young Moms monthly meet up to connect, socialize, encourage, provide support, and fellowship! Kiddos are welcome to tag along as well!
Led By: Tony & Cathy Boyd
Meets: Thursday Evening
Childcare: No
We will meet at our home at 4636 Spring Place Cove East in Olive Branch from 6:30pm till 8:30pm on Feb 13, March 20, April 17 and May 15.
Led By: Jenevieve Wardell & Kristen Woods Duncan
Meets: Tuesday Morning
Childcare: No
We will meet at 11:30am every other Tuesday in and around Hernando for lunch.
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