Singles in Salvation:
We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each week at 6:00 p.m. Location is TBD
A course designed to get single females 21 and up together to discuss the journey of singleness while diligently getting to know God and making changes needed to be more in line with who God has designed us to be. This course will be geared toward understanding your role as a Christian while single. This group will create an environment to openly discuss peoples individual journeys and testimonies all while challenging each other to grow in God’s image. There will be some fun too as we “graduate” through tough conversations and obstacles. This course will pair the book “Kingdom Single by Tony Evans and of course the Bible. I am excited to create a safe space for single Christian women to communicate about God and to help each other navigate this time in our lives. Singleness is a gift worth opening especially when its from God!